Guide for Beginners
What are the most popular trading indicators?
There are many trading indicators out there and you will certainly find one to suit your needs and your trading or investment profile.
Are there any simple and effective trading methods out there?
Many an independent trader or home-grown amateur has been discouraged by the fantasy of the professional trader, eyes on multiple screens and using dozens of technical indicators and complicated, multi-level strategies.
How to read and understand a chart
The chart is a key element of trading and the stock market in general.
Beginners'guide: What are the first steps to trading?
The stock market is a vast and exciting field. You can make a fortune. You can ruin yourself.
Top 10 books about stock market trading
Stock market trading is a vast topic. There are dozens of strategies, hundreds of products, various asset classes, numerous criteria to choose funds or stock…
How to identify stock market trends
The basics of making money on the stock market is to buy at a certain price in order to sell for more and make a profit. To do so, one can buy at a low price, confident that it will increase, or short sell in order to buy again at a lower price... In any case, the aim is obviously to make money.