Etoro Social Investment Network

Carlo28/05/14 (updated 7 years, 3 months ago)etoro, forex, social trading

Etoro Social Investment Network
Etoro Social Investment Network


The world of investing is a harsh, murky world, and often it is not a world in which you can afford to be alone. Investing with someone else by your side can help you alleviate many of the fears that first time investors face. It can also go a long way in overcoming the many setbacks and many pitfalls that lie in the way of new investors. The eToro social investment network offers you the chance to collaborate and work together with like minded investors, and have a lot of fun while making more money than you have imagined making.

Since the world has become more closely intertwined and interconnected than ever before, the eToro investment platform has sought to leverage this closeness in the business markets. The platform also enables new investors to follow and copy the trades of existing investors who have made a lot of successful trades in the past. While it is important to note that successful trades conducted in the past do not have any influence on future trades, there is a lot that you can learn from following and learning from successful investors.


The financial instruments that you can invest in on eToro are highly leveraged products. This means that there is a huge possibility of you losing all your money in just one trade. As such, it is important for you to ensure that you only trade using money that you can afford to lose. It would not be wise to use money that you need to make your life easier to trade on risky financial instruments like CFDs and binary options.

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Last updated on 30/11/17

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