Google now offering its own mobile phone plans

Carlo24/04/15 (updated 7 years, 3 months ago)google, mobile plans, nexus

Google now offering its own mobile phone plans
Google now offering its own mobile phone plans


On Wednesday, April 22nd, Google announced the launch of its mobile phone plans. The plans are available for the Nexus 6 across the US and are by invitation only. Although the public who can take advantage of Google's offer is as yet very limited, Google isn't hiding its expansion plans: to offer ever cheaper plans and make the mobile network and WIFI "work seamlessly".

With this aim, the Internet giant intends to use the T-Mobile and Sprint network to get costs as low as possible and, in doing so, be able to offer almost total coverage of the United States.

As far as prices are concerned, customers will enjoy unlimited calls and texts for only $20 (18 euros) a month, along with 1GB of extra data for only $10 (9 euros). 

Another selling point according to is that customers can claim back, in hard cash, any credit they don't use: "if a customer only uses 1.4 Gb of the 2Gb included in their package, Google will refund them $6."

Another benefit is that customers who often use video services such as YouTube or Dailymotion will be able to enjoy their fix without having to worry about the amount of data they're using, since the seamless switching between the mobile network and WIFI will reduce the amount of data actually coming from the mobile network.

It is clear that there are other considerations at stake for Google - whether to merge with or buy out T-Mobile, create its own network, optimise ad space on Youtube and other Google services...


Last updated on 30/11/17