Plus500 Ltd is listed on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange

Carlo04/03/16 (updated 4 years, 10 months ago)

Plus500 Ltd is listed on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange
Plus500 Ltd is listed on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange


For several years now, Plus500 Ltd has been well established on the CFD online trading market, offering trading in equity, currencies, commodities, ETFs (exchange traded funds), options, and indices. The online trading site also has a portfolio of over 2,000 financial instruments. Since it was launched in 2008, Plus500 Ltd has strengthened its position on the trading market and the website is now listed on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange.

Plus500 Ltd is an online trading site offering many features to traders, both dabblers and professionals, who open an account. You can start with a demo account to familiarise yourself with Plus500 Ltd’s Webtrader tool and assess its efficiency and its various functions. You download the online trading site’s free software and use it to pretend you are trading for as long as you want. Using the demo account lets future Plus500 Ltd clients learn how to proceed when they want to negotiate or to quickly complete a transaction. Once they open a real account they can use the same procedures to carry out successful transactions.

The Plus500 Ltd platform is available on computers, tablets, or smartphones. The online app scores highly with users because it is easy to use, efficient, and offers many advanced features which fulfil clients’ needs.

Plus500 Ltd clients can practise CFD trading before they start dealing. To help with negotiations Plus500 Ltd offers a risk management tool which is easy to use when needed. Customer support is available 24/7. Plus500 Ltd offers every possible function to help clients achieve the best possible deals, and being listed at the London Stock Exchange confirms how strong this online trading offer is.

Visit the broker's website

80.5% of retail CFD accounts lose money.


Last updated on 13/05/20

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