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What are the various stock exchanges trading times?
The various world financial centres rotate according to the main continents’ time difference. It may be relevant to know these times for certain operations in the CFDs or Forex markets as well as follow the economic statistics of the country’s financial centre.
Which brokers offer a demo account?
Many investors want to engage in online trading, but it is important to do it at your own pace, especially when you start. Some will be very comfortable with the trading system and the operation of Meta Trader 4 or Meta Trader 5 platforms while others will need more time to become familiar with these new tools.
Why should you buy Santander shares?
As with any other investment, it is useful to analyse a company’s strengths and weaknesses when wanting to invest, either directly by buying securities, or through online trading and financial product investments. The company’s future evolution and growth strategy are key points, likely to raise the price of its shares.
Cannabis: today’s big investment opportunity?
Should we all be getting into cannabis? Or should that be “should we be investing in businesses that are part of this burgeoning sector?” The American and Canadian marketplaces are booming right now.
Bitcoin on the rise again!
Cryptocurrency fans have been on a real downer over the past few months, sceptics quick to say the fun is over for Bitcoin, Ripple, Ether, Litecoin and Monero.
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This is one upgrade we've all been waiting for!
PETRO : the first state-backed cryptocurrency.
Venezuela has recently launched the first-ever state-backed cryptocurrency – the PETROMONEDA, or PETRO as it is more commonly known.
Ripple vs. Bitcoin: which should you invest in?
In the last few days we have witnessed Ripple and its cryptocurrency, XRP, shoot up, a reversal of the trend which saw Bitcoin champion the cryptocurrency market.
Crowdfunding: A New Type Of Investment
In this era of collaborative economies, crowdfunding platforms are very successful. Research shows that over 80% of the population approve of economic collaboration.
Brexit: will the U.K. leave the E.U. or not?
Although Brexit (British exit) has been a topic of political conversations in the U.K and in the E.U. for months now, it is now debated with a new feeling of urgency, few days ahead of a referendum organised in the United Kingdom on whether the country should leave the European Union or not.