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Joe Biden victory: which consequences for the markets?

Joe Biden victory: which consequences for the markets?

Cecilia 21 Oct, 2020 0

The US elections are taking place in a couple of weeks and both candidates have polar opposite policies.

John McAfee arrested on tax evasion charges

John McAfee arrested on tax evasion charges

Admin 17 Oct, 2020 0

Antivirus creator John McAfee has been arrested in Spain for tax evasion. He now faces extradition to the United States where he was charged. John McAfee has not publicly commented on these charges but, if found guilty, risks a prison sentence of up to 30 years.

Where to invest your money in the event of a second COVID-19 wave?

Where to invest your money in the event of a second COVID-19 wave?

Cecilia 06 Oct, 2020 0

2020 has been a challenging year on many levels. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the market has been incredibly volatile. Markets collapsed before skyrocketing and setting new records. Some have gained from it, while others have lost. But is all this behind us now? What will happen in the event of a second wave, or another lockdown? In these uncertain times, many investors and traders are wondering which strategy to adopt.

Brexit update: what could Boris Johnson’s Internal Market Bill mean for future trade deals?

Brexit update: what could Boris Johnson’s Internal Market Bill mean for future trade deals?

Cecilia 21 Sep, 2020 0

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has submitted a bill that would undermine parts of the Brexit agreement and break international law. The bill was backed by MPs in the Commons 340 votes to 263 and would enable free movement of goods and services across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland after Brexit. This new law would give the UK government the power to override the legally binding withdrawal agreement between the UK and the EU.

Apple at its peak: is it time to buy?

Apple at its peak: is it time to buy?

Rosa 11 Sep, 2020 0

Apple has become increasingly dominant and its securities are reaching new heights. The company aims to make it easier for more investors to participate with a stock split that will see the price of individual shares divided by 4.

The rise of Bitcoin: an upward trend to be confirmed

The rise of Bitcoin: an upward trend to be confirmed

Rosa 26 Aug, 2020 0

The virtual currency has made several leaps in recent weeks, including one of over 10% that reached the psychological threshold of $12,000 a share.

UK economy: the country is in recession for the first time since 2009

UK economy: the country is in recession for the first time since 2009

Cecilia 20 Aug, 2020 0

With a decline in GDP two quarters in a row, the UK is officially in recession for the first time in 11 years. The GDP fell by 2.2% between January and March 2020 and shrank further by 20.4% between April and June. This is the country’s worst crash since quarterly records began in 1955.



Admin 24 Apr, 2020 0

The Chinese economy shrank by 6.8% in the first three months of 2020 compared to the previous year. This is the first contraction of this magnitude since Beijing began reporting its quarterly gross domestic product in 1992.